About Us
The company was initially launched in 1966 by Late Shr. Gian Chand Sabharwal to cater Tourist Services in the Northern District of the Country. And in the year 1982- when Harish Sabharwal (Grandson), joined in to support, he took the initiative to diversify from the Tourist Segment to Corporate Sector by started providing Employee Transport Services to M/s Hero Honda till date i.e. uninterrupted services of 37 Years.
Today, Harish Sabharwal, along with his sons Rachit Sabharwal and Kunal Sabharwal (4th Gen), has hands of experience of almost 4 Decades, and has also achieved excellence as Passenger Transport Service Provider to various MNCs & Indian Companies, Govt. & Social Organizations.
Now, the company’s motto is to work with the idea of providing State-of-the Art Passenger Transport Service to the Tourist, Industrial & Trading Community. Its aim is to provide total Customer Satisfaction through consistent improvement in quality of service and effective use of technology and to establish as one of the Leading Passenger Transport Company in India.